We’re Supporting Peace on the Roads this November

Supporting RoadPeace as the nights draw in and the roads became darker

As the cold November nights draw in, it’s the time of year when many children and young adults leave after school clubs in the dark to walk home. It’s no coincidence that during this time of year there is a 20% increase in road injuries.

Throughout the month of November, we have chosen RoadPeace as our ‘Featured Charity of the Month’.

RoadPeace is the national charity for road crash victims and has been helping families cope with the aftermath of road death and injury since 1992.

Every year:

  • 24 million people are killed globally
  • Between 20 and 50 million more suffer non-fatal injuries on the world’s roads
  • In Britain, 1710 people were reported killed in crashes in 2017

This means that every single day in the UK five people are killed and many more suffer life-changing injury in crashes.

RoadPeace Charity

In the words of RoadPeace, this is what they have to say:

Our services provide a lifeline to families at a time of crisis and they include:

  • Providing emotional support for road crash victims through a national helpline, befriender network, local support groups, resilience building programme and remembrance activities
  • Producing information guides on post-crash investigation and legal procedures to help families navigate the justice system
  • Undertaking casework for bereaved families and the seriously injured
  • Policy and campaigning work for better justice and safer streets for all, informed by the experiences of victims

Our services make a huge difference to families in crisis.

People who use our services say:

“I lost a huge part of my life when my only son was killed in a car crash. I had no one I could talk to about what I was going through. RoadPeace was the only organisation that listened to me. Thank you for helping me to cope and deal with life after death.” (Bereaved mother)

“I don’t know where I would be if RoadPeace was not there to support me through this.” (Bereaved mother)

Road deaths are not normal deaths. They are sudden and unnatural and families rarely have a chance to say goodbye. At RoadPeace we understand the importance of remembering family and friends who have died in crashes and we encourage remembrance in a number of different ways including on the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

Coordinated by RoadPeace, this global day of remembrance takes place every year on the third Sunday of November and brings families and friends together in support and solidarity to remember loved one and highlight the unacceptable toll of road death and injury.

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