Supporting Emergency Food for Local People in Crisis

Throughout the month of September, we have partnered with Chichester District Foodbank as we look to raise some much needed funds for them.

This is why we have chosen to support them as our ‘Featured Charity of the Month’:

About “Chichester District Foodbank”

1 in 5 people are living below the poverty line in Britain and that includes families and individuals who live in our local area.  Today in Chichester District there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis – redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill can mean going hungry.  Everyday somewhere in the District parents skip meals to feed their children and people are forced to choose between paying a bill and eating. Chichester District Foodbank provides a non-judgemental service to people who find themselves in crisis. We provide 3 day food parcels and support to individuals and families who find themselves in crisis. Since we opened in September 2012 we have fed 11,300 people (4700 food parcels).

We are also working with the local schools to provide lunch packs to children who receive free school meals due to low income during the Christmas, Easter and summer holidays. Since the summer 2016 we have helped 2363 children avoid hunger during the holidays due to food poverty.

Chichester District Foodbank Vision

Our vision is to end hunger and poverty in Chichester District.

Chichester District Foodbank Strategy for Change

Our mission is to bring our community together to end hunger and poverty in Chichester District by providing compassionate, practical help with dignity whilst challenging injustice.

  1. Provide emergency food parcels for all families and individuals in crisis across the District to ensure they have three days of nutritionally balanced food.
  2. Provide clients with support to help with immediate needs and signpost them to relevant organisations to assist with debt counselling, health advice, parent and toddler groups etc.
  3. Increase awareness among district residents of the effects of poverty on local people and motivate them to donate food and finance.
  4. To provide fortnightly lunch packs to all children in the district on free school meals due to low income during the Christmas, Easter and summer holidays.

Charity Number: 1155197

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