When you venture out of your home in the early hours of the morning it can be incredibly demoralising to find your car iced over. You know you can brave the cold for a bit longer to de-ice it, but you’d prefer to get inside and let the heater slowly do the work. But that’s when you notice that somehow, the window is even frozen on the inside! Why does this happen, and how do you stop it? Let us explain.
Sick and tired of having to wait, shivering, while your old banger warms itself up? Want something a bit more modern so you can get moving faster and in comfort? Sell your current vehicle with Scrap Car Comparison and we’ll find you the best offers for it sent in by Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs) in your local area. Our network of scrap and salvage buying partners spans 99% of the UK so wherever you are, we’ll be able to get you a great deal for your old car or van – and we’ll even arrange for it to be collected free of charge! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator to find out what your vehicle is worth right now!

Why Does My Car Freeze On The Inside?
Ultimately, the reason that your car ices over inside is just the same as why you wake up to a frosted over exterior. While the outside of your windscreen could be bombarded with moisture in the form of rain or snow, which will then freeze, the inside can also be attacked by moisture that will also solidify in the cold. This moisture sticking to the windscreen, on the inside, is what causes the glass to freeze over. Preventing this moisture from getting in in the first place is the key.
Why Is There Condensation Inside My Car Overnight?
There are a few sources of condensation inside your car. It could be as simple as forgetting to remove wet items, like clothing, from your vehicle. The moisture attached to them will then appear in the air before settling on the cold surface of your glass windscreen. Simply removing the wet items should rectify the problem.
Similarly, if you’ve got water in your car in other ways, like if you’ve got clogged drainage passages that have lead rainwater enter the footwells, you will eventually begin to see that dampness spread around the car – you might also smell it!
There is also the possibility that moisture could enter the vehicle directly from outside, likely to happen if you’ve got issues with the seals around your doors and/or windows. If these seals don’t have begun to degrade or have been damaged, they won’t be able to effectively prevent water from getting in.
How Do You Unfreeze Ice In A Car?
Much like when you’re clearing the ice from the outside of your vehicle, you’re going to want to get the windscreen warmed up using the car’s onboard heater whilst simultaneously scraping it away.
Just be aware that as you chip away at the icy covering on your glass, you will end up with most of it scattered all over your dashboard. This will, of course, make your car interior very wet so it might be a good idea to keep a dry towel in the car with you.
How To Prevent The Inside Of Your Windscreen From Freezing
There are some things you can do to prevent ice from forming on the inside of your windscreen. Not all of them will be possible for you to implement, so take a look at our list and try what works for you:
- Park in a garage, if you have one, to keep your car out of the extreme temperatures
- If you can park indoors, leave a window cracked open slightly to allow air to circulate within the car
- Keep any wet clothes or other items out of the car
- Use some kind of dehumidifier that will suck in the moisture, keeping it away from your windscreen
- Ensure your seals are all secure and undamaged
If you’ve tried all of the above but still can’t stop your old, unreliable vehicle to cope with the cold any better, it might be time to sell it with Scrap Car Comparison! We’ll give you the best prices for it, offered by tried and trusted scrap and salvage professionals in your local area. With buyers located all over the UK, we’re almost certain we can help you sell your car, and once you’ve accepted an offer, we’ll even be able to offer you the free collection of the vehicle! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator now to get your vehicle valued now!