We’re supporting Camphill Village Trust this June

Camphill Village Trust has been supporting adults with learning and other disabilities to lead a life of opportunity for over 65 years.  

Working across the UK our communities are wonderful places where the atmosphere is always full of friendship, positivity and purpose.  

The people supported by Camphill Village Trust take part in meaningful activities and develop skills, confidence and social connections which help them live life to the full.  From potters, to cheesemakers, to bakers, to waiters, to chefs, to weavers, to farmers, to shepherds, to poets and much much more, those who they support get up to all sorts of things.  

At Camphill Village Trust, personal choice is central to the way they work and as a result people we support lead more confident, happy, connected and meaningful lives.  But sadly in some cases the recent lockdown measures have left people with learning disabilities feeling like they have lost skills and confidence.  

Scrap Car Comparison, like Camphill Village Trust, is committed to helping more people regain their independence and any support you can give will help people rekindle friendships, build confidence and get back to living a life of opportunity.  

There are ten Camphill Village Trust supported living communities and services throughout England, from Teesside and North Yorkshire, to Gloucestershire, the Midlands and Hertfordshire.

You can donate directly to Camphill Village Trust through our Donate A Car Scheme, where you can choose to donate some, or all of the profits from your scrap car this month when scrapping your vehicle with Scrap Car Comparison. Anything you can spare makes a huge difference to all of our charities, and for more information on how to donate, make sure to visit our FAQs on donating through your car.

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