Top Tips for Passing Your Driving Test First Time

Nobody wants to fail at anything, but getting the news that you didn’t pass your driving test can feel like a real punch to the stomach. You’re within touching distance of the freedom of the open road, but it’s back to the drawing board to try again next time.

It can be especially frustrating if you’re around the age when all your friends are getting their driving licences, and even though there is statistical evidence that suggests the best drivers actually pass at the second attempt, you really wanted to get the job done first time. Avoid this situation by checking out our Scrap Car Comparison’s top tips for passing your driving test first time!

If you’re looking outside with dismay at the old hand-me-down car that’s waiting for you as soon as you pass your test, why not sell it and get some cash for a better one? Sell it with Scrap Car Comparison and you could have money in the bank in a matter of days, with collection included as standard for free! We work with scrap and salvage buyers all over the UK, so we can compare and find the best price for your car no matter where you are in the country! Get a quote today by calling 03333 44 99 50 or by using our scrap value calculator now!

How To Pass Your Driving Test Quickly

Life is short and driving lessons are expensive, so we understand why you might want to blitz through the ‘learning’ part of the process and become a fully licensed driver as soon as possible. Taking your time and working through the key techniques, strategies and mental processes of driving a car can’t guarantee success, but it’s sure to give you a very good chance. However, if you really do want to get test-ready in a hurry – potentially even within just one week – then an intensive driving course could be the answer.

This method will see you meeting with a professional driving instructor a lot within a very short period of time, cramming in as many hours on the road as possible. Think of it as the brute force option, gaining months worth of experience within weeks or even days. Do they work? Yes, for some people. It really depends on your ability to take on board the slew of information that you’re being fed by the instructor and arguably whether you have a natural ability behind the wheel. They’re not cheap though, so be prepared to pay a hefty lump sum.

And, of course, there’s still no guarantee that you’ll pass first time.

How To Pass Your Driving Test First Time

It might feel a bit like The Tortoise & The Hare but when it comes to learning to drive, slow and steady is likely to win the race. More lessons and a steadier intake of information will probably serve you better and allow you to absorb what you learn in each lesson and apply it before moving onto something new. You might even end up spending around the same amount of money as those who took an intensive driving course, but over a longer period of time.

Not all driving instructors are made equally, either. Some are better at their job than others, while you may find that the first instructor you pick, despite being an excellent teacher, just isn’t for you. Therefore, to truly maximise your chances of passing first time, make sure you know how to find a good driving instructor.

What To Do On Test Day To Pass First Time

When the day of your driving test comes around, it might feel like uncharted territory. After all, it’s very different to any test you’ve sat before (other than, perhaps, your theory test). Prepare the best way you can by doing the following things:

  • Arrive On Time: Let’s be honest, this is an essential skill for everyday life. Don’t be late or your test might be cancelled altogether, but even if you are given the green light to start, you’ll find yourself so flustered that you’ll probably forget the basics.
  • Use The Car You Know: If possible, use the car that you’ve learned to drive in. Experienced drivers will be able to adapt to a new car with ease, but as a newbie, you don’t want everything you’ve memorised to go out the window as soon as you sit down.
  • Choose A Good Test Centre: This one almost sounds like cheating, but you’re definitely allowed to choose a particular centre to do your test out of. This is important because each centre will have its own predetermined routes and some of them can be far more difficult than others. Horrible roundabouts, busy junctions… do some research and you might just be able to avoid these stumbling blocks.
  • Choose A Good Time: Similar to the above, it’s a good idea to pick a slot when you think the roads might be quieter. You might think sitting in bumper to bumper traffic will mean you can’t really do anything wrong, but you’ll still have to demonstrate the fundamentals, even if you are surrounded by hordes of frustrated drivers desperate to get home from work.
  • Listen: Your examiner will be giving you instructions as you drive; “take the next left and pull over on the left hand side,” for example. While you won’t fail if you go the wrong way, things should go more smoothly if you follow the planned route.
  • Check Your Mirrors: We can almost guarantee that if you ask a licensed friend or family member for advice on passing your test, one of the first things they’ll tell you is to visibly move your head to demonstrate that you’re checking your mirrors. It’s a good point though because this is something that examiners need to be sure you can do correctly in order to pass you.
  • Give It 100%: The pressure of a driving test can do funny things to your self belief, leading you to think you’ve failed after the most minor of slip ups. At the end of the day, it’s only 40 minutes. Give it your all from start to finish, even if you think you’ve failed, and you’ll probably surprise yourself in the end. Confidence is key going into any high pressure situation – this is no different.

So, whether you go for the intensive fast track option or take your time and soak all the information in, Scrap Car Comparison is here to help you get rid of that old car that’s due to be your first once you’ve got your licence. We can help you fund something newer and nicer by tracking down the best prices for your old vehicle, and all we need is your postcode and registration number. We operate across 99% of the UK and even offer free collection, so every prospective driver in the country can use our service. Get a quote today by calling 03333 44 99 50 or by using our scrap value calculator now!

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