Rafiki Thabo Foundation works to enable access to education for disadvantaged children in Kenya, Uganda and Lesotho. Education has the power to unlock every child’s potential and to not only uplift the course of their lives, but those of their families and communities as well. With an education these children can secure good, paid work and increase their opportunity to enjoy a future with unlimited possibilities they would otherwise not have had.

Working together with trusted, local in-country committees to identify the young people who are most in need of this support, Rafiki Thabo’s four programmes include:
Their Scholarship Programme, which ensures the provision of bursaries to bright young minds who have gained a place at a secondary school or university, but whose families do not have the financial means to pay their fees. In 2024 Rafiki Thabo Foundation are supporting more than 450 young people through education!
With the ‘Eat Well to Learn’ Programme, they are able to provide at least 70 of the very poorest students at their partner school in Uganda with a nutritious school meal each day. For many of the children, this is their only daily meal, without which they would brave their long walk to and from school on an empty stomach, with little energy left to learn in class, making them more likely to drop out of school.
The development of School Infrastructure and other ‘holistic’ projects are geared towards improving the learning environment for the children. Recent projects include re-equipping an IT lab, constructing pig sties and chicken coops to generate income for the schools, providing electricity in the classrooms and the renovation and expansion of dormitories.
Rafiki Thabo Foundation also works to remove barriers to education for children living with disabilities, in partnership with three organisations in Kenya. Together they fund therapies and treatment for the children, as well as provide support and training for their parents. Helping the children with access to an education which is best suited to their special needs.
For every £350 raised, a child in Uganda can be educated at a secondary school for an entire year! With your help, we can make this possible.