car with calculator and money on wood table.

No UK Car Scrappage Scheme? Scrap With us Instead!

Although a new UK-wide car scrappage scheme looked likely earlier this year, the Government has now confirmed that there are “no plans” to introduce one.

A spokesperson for the Government said, “We have no current plans to change the existing incentives or to introduce a scrappage scheme. We are committed to building a greener transport system and reducing carbon emissions to reach our goal of net zero by 2050“.

Before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the national lockdown, there were many reports that a new car scrappage scheme was to be announced in July 2020, within which car owners would have been offered discounts of up to £6000 to scrap old petrol or diesel cars in order to buy a new electric or hybrid model.

Now though, industry experts have commented that such a scheme would have been an invaluable boost to the UK car market, which has taken the biggest hit to production in all of Europe. As well as encouraging drivers towards cleaner cars and improving the economy, the scheme would have provided a now desperately needed shot in the arm for the national automotive sector.

But it’s not all bad news. If you were hoping a new car scrappage scheme would help you invest in a cleaner, greener set of wheels, there is still a way to make this happen. Here’s why you should consider scrapping your car with us instead.

Turn your old car into cash

By selling and scrapping your old car with Scrap Car Comparison, you’ll gain valuable funds to put towards whatever you like, including a new vehicle if you so choose. One of the best things about scrapping with us is the freedom it allows; you’re under no obligation to spend your earnings on a new car from a certain manufacturer, or a certain type of car.

So, if you want to spend what you make from scrapping your old car on a new electric or hybrid motor, you can, just as you could spend it on any type of new car, or anything else you fancy!

We ensure we offer you the best price for your old car by enabling you to search our extensive database of vetted and approved scrap and salvage buyers from all over the country, and it takes just moments to get a quote online. Once you’re happy, we then arrange for your chosen buyer to pick your old car up from you – it’s that simple.

It doesn’t matter if your scrap car still runs or not, your buyer will be able to collect it at a time to suit you, in a way that’s contact-free and in line with social distancing guidelines. Then you’ll receive your agreed funds, and all that’s left to do is spend them! Our guide for

What about manufacturer scrappage schemes?

While there is no national car scrappage scheme on the horizon, several manufacturers are currently offering their own scrappage incentives, including Citroen, Mazda and Toyota. If you have one of these cars, or one of the other makes with a scrappage scheme, you may be able to trade it in and scrap it in return for money towards a new vehicle.

However, the thing with manufacturer scrappage schemes is that they tend to come with several stipulations. In many cases, your old car has to meet a set of criteria before it’s eligible and of course, the money you receive has to be spent on a new car from the same manufacturer. Often there are limitations on the model of car you can put your money towards too. Taking this into account, it’s easy to see that scrapping a car in this way simply cannot give you the same freedom of choice as scrapping your car through a comparison website like ours.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let the lack of a UK car scrappage scheme stop you from getting behind the wheel of a shiny new car. Find out what you could get for your old vehicle by getting a quote now and let us help you turn it into a new car fund.

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