How to Sell a Car Without a V5C Log Book

When selling a car, making sure you have all of the relevant paperwork to hand is one of the surefire ways to ensure that you get the full amount that your car is worth. But what happens if you’re missing any of that paperwork, not least the V5C? 

V5C car log book with a car key on it

What is a V5C Log Book? 

A V5C, otherwise known as the vehicle registration document or logbook, is issued by the DVLA to the registered keeper of a vehicle. The paper document holds all of the details about the car and is how the DVLA is kept up to date with any changes, such as when the vehicle is sold or modified, written off or scrapped. It is also used if the owner changes name or moves house. It is not, however, proof of ownership, but instead just shows ‘who is responsible for registering and taxing the vehicle’.

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Why do you Need a V5C Logbook to Sell a Car? 

Legally you don’t need a V5C to sell a car, but it makes the entire process a lot easier for you if you do. Not only is it much easier to contact the DVLA to make the changes to the registered keeper of the car, it also acts as a way of proving to potential buyers that the car is where it should be and that you aren’t trying to offload something incriminating.

Can You Replace a V5C?

If you’ve lost your V5C and want to get a new one ahead of the sales process, then to do so you will need to apply for a replacement log book, providing you have the registration number, the VIN or chassis number of the vehicle in question, as well as the name and postcode that the vehicle is registered to. The service will cost you £25, and your new logbook should arrive within a couple of weeks. 

Can You Sell a Car Without a Log Book? 

While there is no reason you can’t sell a car without a V5C, doing so can be a very tricky business. Not having a V5C could lead to some buyers assuming your car is stolen as with no document proving everything is above board, and the fact you’re not prepared to wait for a replacement to arrive may set even more alarm bells off. Some buyers may even try and bring the price down for the car without a V5C, and when you consider it will only cost you £25 to replace, it may be better for you to apply for a new logbook and wait a few weeks than potentially lose a chunk of what you were hoping to get for the car. For further information on how to complete a sale without a V5C, read more here.

Looking to scrap a car without a log book? Read our guide here.

How to Sell a Car Without a V5C Log Book

If you’re adamant that you’re going to sell a car without the V5C, here’s how you should go about it.

  • Make it clear that you do not have a V5C
    • If selling privately, and it’s likely that you will be, then the sale process will be no different to selling a car normally. However, you should make it clear from the outset that the car does not have a V5C, as some buyers may immediately walk away if they come to view the car and find the document is missing.
  • After the sale, inform the DVLA
    • Much like selling any other car, you will need to inform the DVLA that the sale has been made. Rather than filling out the log book and sending it back to the DVLA in Swansea, you will need to inform them in writing (which you can find out about on the Gov.uk website), making sure you provide them with your name and address, the vehicle registration, the make and model, the exact date of the sale and the name and address of the new keeper.

If you no longer have the V5C, you will probably find selling an incredibly tedious and stressful experience. Why not avoid all of that hassle and speak to the advisors at Scrap Car Comparison. While a V5C will make the process simpler and get you a higher quote, it is not a requirement to have one to scrap a vehicle, so why not visit our online quote generator today and see just how much your car could be worth as scrap.

For more tips when it comes to owning, selling and maintaining vehicles, visit our Car Care hub, answering every question and anything you might be needing to know.

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