Checking if a car has been SORN is an incredibly simple process. All you’ll need is the vehicle’s registration number and access to the internet. The Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) provides a free SORN checking service online. All you have to do is input the reg plate of the car you’re checking and all you’ll want to know will be there in front of you.
If you’re about to jump into an old car for the first time in a while then you’re going to want to check if it’s still legally allowed on the road. Declaring a SORN can be incredibly useful when a car isn’t in use. However, driving a car that has been SORN could land you in very hot water.
If the repairs on your SORN car are still far from completed, then perhaps it’s time to finally say goodbye. By using Scrap Car Comparison, you’re guaranteed to get the very best price no matter the condition of your car. We’ll even come and collect it for free with nationwide collectors operating across 99% of UK postcodes.
Can you check if a car has been SORN?
Yes you can, and it is very simple. We’ve already mentioned the DVLA website above, but there are other services such as askMID (the Motor Insurance Database).
How long does it take for a vehicle to show as SORN?
If you declare your car as SORN using the 11-digit reference number on your V5C, then the SORN will take effect immediately. If you declare using the 16-digit reference from your V11 tax reminder then this will not come into effect until the first day of the next month. If you declare via post you’ll need to factor in the time it takes for a letter to arrive at the DVLA’s headquarters.
In any situation, it can take up to five days for the relevant databases to update to show your car as SORN.
How long does a SORN last for your car?
There is no end date on a SORN, meaning once you declare a car as SORN, it remains as such until you contact the DVLA to get the car back on the road. This means if you decide you want to park your car up over the winter then you won’t need to worry about renewing anything until you want to get your car out again in the spring. Perfect for those summer weekend runabouts in your beloved classic car.
Does a SORN car need insurance?
No, you do not need to have insurance for a SORN car. Some people do decide to insure their SORN vehicles, however. Just because a car is parked doesn’t mean it’s immune from fire and theft, and most insurers will offer cover for these eventualities. This is known by a range of names, including ‘SORN insurance’, ‘parked car insurance’ or ‘laid up cover’.
Can I park my SORN car outside my house?
If you have a driveway or private land outside your house, then you can, but if all that’s outside your front door is a road, then no. Declaring a car as SORN means it must be kept off the road, not just not driven. It must be stored away from the public highway, either on a driveway, on private land or in a garage. Having a SORN car parked on the road could land you with a £2,500 fine.
Do I have to SORN my car if it’s on my driveway?
You must always declare your car as SORN if it is not taxed, no matter where it is stored. Failure to declare as SORN will result in you getting an automated fine for having an untaxed vehicle. It won’t matter if the vehicle isn’t visible by police or ANPR cameras, as it will automatically flag on the DVLA’s online system.
How to declare my car SORN
Declaring a car as SORN is a simple process that requires one of two lengthy reference numbers – either the 11-digit number from your V5C or the 16-digit number from your V11. The simplest way to declare a car as SORN is to do so online or over the phone, however you can also do it via post if you wish. Declaring with a V5C will make the change instantly, whereas changing with the V11 will take effect from the following month.
How do I remove a SORN?
The only way to remove a SORN is to tax the car. Tax and SORN are both intrinsically linked, and both impact each other when applied. When taxing your car you are removing SORN. Likewise when you SORN a vehicle you are removing the need to have valid tax.
Can I take my car off SORN online?
Absolutely – just like applying for a SORN, you can tax your car online. Taxing your car online is the easiest option and can be completed in a matter of moments. All you need is the 11-digit number from your car’s V5C registration document. You can also use the 16-digit number from your tax reminder, although if your car has been SORN for a longer period it is unlikely you’ll still have this. A tax reminder is only valid for the month your tax is due.
SORNing and UnSORNing Hub
Explore expert advice on tax, insurance, and legal matters for SORNed cars and motorbikes. Our Knowledge Centre offers essential information to ensure you’re fully informed to manage your vehicle off the road.

How to “unSORN” a car
Learn how to remove a SORN from your car and get it back on the roads. Quick and easy guide for UK drivers.
SORN a car without a V5
Learn how to SORN a car when you don’t have the V5C. Hints and tips to SORN your car online in an instant.
How to SORN a motorbike
A comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about registering your motorcycle as SORN.
What to do if you forgot to SORN a car
We talk you through every step you need to take if you’ve forgotten to register your car as SORN before your tax runs out.
Or, visit our SORNing Knowledge Centre for guides on all topics related to SORNing and storing your car or bike
Do I really need to SORN my car?
If you are not going to be driving your car for an extended period of time and want to save on potential tax and insurance costs, then getting a SORN for your car could be a good option. If your car’s MOT has expired or you haven’t renewed your tax or insurance, then you must register as SORN or you could face fines for having an illegal vehicle.
What happens if you forget to SORN your car?
Failing to SORN your car and allowing your tax to expire will result in an automated £80 from the DVLA. This fine will be halved to £40 if paid within a month.
Do I have to SORN a car I’ve sold?
Once you have sold a car and filled out the necessary ‘new keepers slip’ on the V5C, the car is no longer your problem. You do not need to SORN it as this will now be the responsibility of the new owner. You won’t even be able to apply for a SORN if the car is no longer in your name.
Can UK police seize an untaxed car?
Driving an untaxed vehicle is a criminal offence, so yes, the police can seize an untaxed car. If it is just parked it will still be marked by the police, and could be seized if there is a failure to pay an untaxed vehicle fine.
Does SORN happen automatically if you don’t tax a car?
SORN does not happen automatically and you must do this yourself. Failure to SORN your car will mean that it sits there untaxed. No matter where it is stored, an untaxed car is illegal at any time. You will be sent an automated fine from the DVLA of £80 if you do not register as SORN before your tax runs out.
What do you do if your car can’t be taxed or declared SORN because old keeper never sent off the paperwork?
When you purchase a car, you will be given a new keeper slip. While you cannot use the green slip to tax your car, you can use it to apply for a new V5C registration document. You can only apply for a new V5C by post and this will cost you £25.
Can I drive my car to the garage if it is SORN?
The only time you’re allowed to drive a SORN car is when it is on its way to a pre-booked MOT, or similar testing appointment. If you are driving to an MOT in a SORN car, you should have proof of the MOT booking to hand so you can show this to the police if you are pulled over. If you can’t prove that you’re going to an appointment, you could face prosecution and a fine of £2,500.
Can I drive a SORN car to sell it?
No – other than driving to a pre-booked MOT or testing appointment, you cannot drive a SORN car under any circumstances. To be able to take your car back on the road you must undeclare the SORN, otherwise you will be breaking the law and could be slapped with a £2,500 fine and end up in court.
If your SORN car isn’t going anywhere soon, and looks like it never will again, why keep it hanging around and using up space? With Scrap Car Comparison we can take it off your hands and replace it with a nice chunk of money in your bank account.
No matter the condition we’ll come and take it off your hands and will get you the very best price in as little as 60 seconds via our online quote generator or by speaking to one of our knowledgeable team on the phone.