We’re proud to be supporting Doncaster Housing for Young People for the remainder of August. Through donations solely made by out customers, we’re raising money to help support young people overcome barriers put in front of them to thrive and have a better tomorrow.

The charity has been operating for over 30 years, having been established in 1993 to support young people aged 16-25 who were at risk of homelessness or vulnerably housed. DHYP provides a range of services to help those in need, including helping find somewhere to live, assisting in setting up a tenancy, providing advice about budgeting and welfare benefits and referrals to other agencies for support if needed.
You can help DHYP by choosing to donate through our Donate-A-Car scheme. When selling your car with Scrap Car Comparison you can choose to donate some – or even every single penny – of the profits to our featured charity. We’ve worked with some of the biggest charities in the country and raised thousands of pounds towards important work across a huge spectrum of causes. For further information on how this scheme works, we’ve put together a handy FAQ document, which can be found here.
Use our quick and easy online quote generator, or call us on 03333 449950 and find out just how much you could receive for your old car in as little as 60 seconds.