MOT test certificate close up

Can I Report A Vehicle With No MOT?

The MOT test. Drivers around the UK dread it every single year, but is it a necessary evil? Many would argue it’s nothing more than a money making scheme, but get rid of it, and surely the standard of vehicles on the road would drop to Mad Max levels of wild & dangerous? But what can be done if you find out that someone’s trying to skirt around the requirement and skip their MOT? Can you report them? Find out below.

If your car simply isn’t going to make it through its next MOT, sell it with Scrap Car Comparison and we’ll track down the very best prices offered by professional scrap & salvage buyers in your local area. With a network that spans 99% of the UK, we’re able to put you in touch with licensed Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs) that can dispose of your car or van – after they’ve also collected it at no extra cost! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator for a quote now!

How Do I Check A Vehicle’s MOT History?

As long as you’ve got a way of accessing the internet, you can check the MOT history of a vehicle in no time at all, and without having to pay a penny. All you need to do is go to the government’s website and, unsurprisingly, search for ‘MOT history’ and you’ll be linked to their history checker tool.

From there, you’ll be able to enter the car or van’s vehicle registration number and view the MOT history, with details not just limited to whether it passed or failed; you’ll also see the date of the test, the vehicle’s mileage at the time of the test, and more.

Can I Anonymously Report A Vehicle With No MOT?

You are within your rights to remain anonymous when you report a vehicle to the police for being on the road without a valid MOT. This will allow you to complete the report without worrying that it could be traced back to you.

How To Report A Car Without An MOT

If you know of a vehicle that does not have a valid MOT, you can report it to the police by following these steps:

  • Contact the police – A vehicle with no MOT would not constitute a 999 call, but you can contact them on the non-emergency line (101) or online.
  • Give them details – You should have the details of the MOT-less vehicle to hand. You’ll need to let the police know the car’s number plate, make & model, colour and location.

Is No Valid MOT A Criminal Offence?

Yes, it is a criminal offence to drive or keep a vehicle on a public road with no valid MOT. The punishment for doing so can be severe, with a £1,000 fine an option should it be deemed worthwhile.

Can A Vehicle Be Parked On The Road With No MOT?

Absolutely not. If your vehicle is not covered by a valid MOT, you will be fined regardless of whether or not you actually drive it. Simply by taking up space on the road and being around other people (pedestrians and drivers) your car requires a pass certificate. If your car can’t pass an MOT test, you’ll need to keep it off the road and SORN it… or you could scrap it!

Can I Report A Car With No MOT That’s Parked On The Road?

By following the steps listed in the section further up the page, you can definitely report a car for having no MOT even if it’s not moving. However, if the vehicle is abandoned, you should report it to the local council rather than the police.

What Happens After I Report A Car?

Once you report a vehicle, it will be looked into by the police and, if found to be true, the driver can be fined up to £1,000.

MOT tests costing you an arm and a leg every year? Call Scrap Car Comparison and we can get you the best deals for your vehicle, MOT or no MOT, offered by professional scrap & salvage dealers based in your local area. We’ll even arrange for the collection of your car to be completed, totally free of charge, from anywhere on our network across the UK! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap value calculator to get a quote now!

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